Responsible Gaming

Grand Casino is committed to best practice in the provision of responsible gambling. We have a commitment to provide a safe, secure and responsible environment.

The Grand Casino is committed to best practice in the provision of responsible gambling. Accordingly, we have a commitment to provide a safe, secure and responsible environment in which members of the community are able to enjoy themselves.

Please contact a member of our management staff for more information. Your enquiry will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Specialist Problem Gambling Services:

Specialist problem gambling services are available, some of them 24 hours a day and seven days a week, where free and confidential assistance can be obtained:

  • Through a referral by us (with your agreement)
  • Through a direct approach

Please act now if you believe you have a gambling problem. Contact one of the professionals or organizations listed below. We care and want to help.


At Grand Casino, there are two ways to control your gambling: Self-exclusion and Grand Casino Identified Exclusion. This section explains these two options and the differences between them. 


The length of an exclusion can vary, depending on the type and the reasons for its issuance. It may be a minimum of 3 months or up to 2 years [maximum 2 years]. 



Self-exclusion is a voluntary action you can take if you feel you want to control your gambling by excluding yourself from the casino.  


Grand Casino Identified Exclusion  

Grand Casino Identified Exclusion is a formal directive issued by a casino that prohibits an individual from entering or remaining in any part of the casino premises. It is part of responsible gaming measures to ensure the well-being of individuals who may exhibit problem gambling behaviours. 


The exclusion has conditions you must meet to gain re-entry. This is a very serious step for Grand Casino to take, so it will not be taken lightly. 


For more information, please view our Grand Casino Exclusion Information Sheet. 




What does Self-Exclusion mean?  

Self-Exclusion occurs when a customer requests to be excluded from gaming activities for various reasons. For example, a customer may self-identify as a problem gambler or choose to limit opportunities for harm. 


How do I exclude myself? 

If you feel gambling is becoming an issue, you can request a Self-Exclusion. Simply fill out a form at the casino or contact our responsible gaming team for help. 


What happens once I exclude myself? 

After you’ve applied for self-exclusion, you’ll be restricted from entering the casino for a set time—usually from several months to up to 2 years. The length of the exclusion is agreed upon when you make the request. 


Can I cancel or change my self-exclusion?  

No, once the exclusion is in place, it can’t be changed until the time period is over. Once the exclusion ends, you can apply to re-enter the casino if you choose. 


Casino Exclusion 

What does Grand Casino Identified Exclusion mean? 

Grand Casino Identified Exclusion is undertaken where a problem gambler does not take up Self-Exclusion and Grand Casino determines that the customer, his or her family or wider community is, or may be, experiencing harm because of that person’s gambling behaviour. Grand Casino imposes such an exclusion when it has been determined that the customer is a problem gambling (in line with the definitions of the Act) and unable to continue gambling without further harm. 


What is third-party exclusion or concerned about someone you know and their gambling? 

If someone you care about is struggling with gambling, you can request an exclusion on their behalf. We welcome concerns about a person’s gambling brought to us by their relatives, friends or other associates. Such concerns are taken very seriously, and we will investigate and take appropriate action. Your confidentiality is assured, and we do not need to disclose information to the person who may be experiencing gambling-related harm in order to take action. 


Please contact us directly on: 

P: (03) 477 4545 

Or email us 

What if I enter the casino while excluded? 

If you try to enter the casino while under an exclusion, our security team will remove you. It’s also against the law, so there may be penalties like extended exclusion periods or trespass. 


Can I exclude myself from all casinos in New Zealand? 

Yes! You can request a national exclusion, which means you’ll be excluded from all casinos in New Zealand, not just one. 



To be eligible to apply for re-entry after Grand Casino Exclusion, you will need to fulfil the following requirements: 

  • No Requirement to Leave Premises (RTLP) and/or trespass notice(s) being in force that have been issued to you by a Grand Casino. 
  • The period of the exclusion must have expired. 
  • Providing written proof of having completed counselling sessions with a problem gambling treatment provider. 
  • Re-entry meeting held with a Grand Casino Host Responsibility Manager. 



  • You cannot enter our gaming areas until your re-entry application has been approved by Grand Casino. 
  • Re-entry is not guaranteed. 
  • Grand Casino may also choose to introduce additional re-entry conditions at its discretion. 

Service of Alcohol

Grand Casino recognises that alcohol and gambling can be associated with harm for some of its customers. Grand Casino takes its role as a responsible host seriously and recognises that it has an important role to play in preventing and minimising alcohol and gambling-related harm for its customers and staff.


Key components include: 

  • Grand Casino will provide the sale of alcoholic beverages responsibly, including monitoring and control of alcohol consumption. 
  • All Grand Casino front-line employees receive an overview of the responsible service of alcohol policy during induction as part of the Host Responsibility Level 1 training,  
  • Grand Casino shall ensure intoxicated patrons are denied entry from entering the premises 
  • When appropriate, any patron may be asked for verification of identity and proof of age, before being served or sold alcoholic beverages. If such identification cannot be produced, that patron will not be served or supplied with any alcohol 
  • Staff will tactfully intervene to prevent possible problems arising from excessive alcohol consumption 
  • No person who appears intoxicated will be served or sold alcohol, allowed to gamble, or be allowed to remain on the premises. 
  • At all times, when liquor is being sold or supplied to members of the public, there is a manager or managers on duty who hold current Managers Certificates under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 
  • Guests may not bring alcoholic beverages onto the premises where beverage service is provided unless prior approval has been given 


Why we can't serve you 

Please don't be offended if we slow down or stop serving you alcohol or ask you to stop gaming. 


Grand Casino has a company-wide commitment to the Responsible Service of Alcohol and important obligations under the sale of Liquor and Gambling Acts. Customer well-being and safety is our top priority. 


  • We have a wide range of food, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks available 24/7. 
  • We slow down the service of alcohol to people if it appears they are becoming intoxicated. 
  • People who appear intoxicated aren’t permitted to game, be served alcohol or remain on the premises. 
  • We help guests access safe transport options when needed. 

 For further information and assistance please ask to see the Bar Supervisor or Duty Manager.


Age Limit 

You must be 20 years of age or older to enter or purchase alcohol in our casino, the Grand Bar & Restaurant. Proof of age may be required. 

Any customer who appears under the age of 25 is asked for verification of identity and proof of age before being permitted to enter the Casino. 

What ID is acceptable? 

  • A current NZ or overseas passport 
  • A current NZ or overseas photo driver's licence 
  • A current Hospitality Association (HANZ) 18+ or Kiwi Access card 
  • Any other current ID with a photo, date of birth, and which is the product of a government institution. 


What are the penalties for showing false ID? 

Grand Casino will take out a Trespass order against you, which may range up to 2 years. Use of false ID is illegal - you may be prosecuted and fined up to NZ$2,000



What are the penalties for being underage in a gaming area? 

If you are under 20 and are found in a gaming area, then Grand Casino will issue a trespass order against you, which may range up to 2 years.   

You may also be prosecuted and fined up to NZ$500 


Who To Contact

You may contact any of the following professionals on a strictly confidential basis:


Problem Gambling Helpline

0800 654 655 (24 Hour Service)


Asian Family Services

0800 862 342


PGF Services (Problem Gambling Foundation)

Community House, Level 2, 43 Princess St Dunedin

(03) 471 6172 or 0800 664 262


Te Kaika Wellbeing Hub Dunedin

25 College Street, Caversham, Dunedin

(03) 471 9960



Service Providers

Take a quiz and assess your own gambling


Alcohol Drug Helpline 

P: 0800 787 797 


Free text: 8681 


Māori Gambling Helpline 

P: 0800 654 656 




Vai Lelei Pasifika Gambling Helpline 

P: 0800 654 657 



Contact the Host Responsibility Team

We are here to help. 


A Host Responsibility team member is available on-site from 12PM – 12AM Sun-Mon | 12PM – 2AM Fri-Sat 


If you would like more information on Grand Casino’s Host Responsibility policies or exclusion options, please contact us: