Casino celebrates its 25th birthday
A birthday bash was held on Saturday evening for the Grand Casino, which operates out of the Scenic Circle Southern Cross hotel in High St.
Chairman Geoff Thomas said it was an opportunity to thank staff, management and patrons.
The casino employs about 100 people and about a quarter have worked there at least 10 years.
Dunedin Casinos Ltd has an application before the Gambling Commission to operate from the existing site for another 15 years.
The commission received 195 written submissions about the application.
Dunedin Casinos Ltd made its arguments at a hearing last month for renewal of its licence.
The company is largely owned by Lani Hagaman, who holds a 42% shareholding, while Christchurch Casinos Ltd has a 33% share.
Stuart McLauchlan, one of the directors, said the casino kept money in the city that might otherwise have been lost to other centres.
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